Wednesday, February 29, 2012

DIY Thread Organizer


If you embroider or even sew alot you know how annoying it is to have thread in containers or drawers and never know exactly what you have. I always seem to buy the same colors over and over because I forget what I have got and don't go digging to see. My mother in law bought several of the thread organizers from JoAnn Fabrics and hung them on her wall and it gave me an idea. Thread organizers run from $50-$70 dollars and they hold about 60 spools. I have more than 60 spools and I wasn't about to pay $140.00 to organize my thread. So I decided to make my own.


I took a left over piece of peg board, some thin wood strips and some bamboo kabob sticks and Voila a thread organizer for less than $15.00.

Here's how it worked out

I attached the thin boards behind the peg board and then secured it to the wall. 

Then I cut the bamboo kabob sticks down the the proper length and hot glued them into the peg holes.  You need to space your sticks out so that each spool has room.  I used a pattern of every other hole and every other line.  I tried to illustrate it in the above photo. 

 Now I can see all my colors and won't end up buying the same colors for each project! 

 Peg board 4x8 sheet $8.00
Wood 24" by 1/2" thick $1.37
Kabob Sticks $4.00 a package.

Total for project $13.37.  I am LOVING that! 

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